Despite its devastating human consequences, on the global stage the Karabakh conflict unfortunately remains obscure. Not so in the Russian-language press. This superb collection of articles translated from the Soviet and Russian press, covering the longue durée of this conflict from its onset in the late 1980s to the present day, will be an indispensable resource for anyone wishing to understand the longest-running conflict in Eurasia. The vivid and approachable translation brings to an English-speaking readership the shock and fury of the conflict’s outbreak in 1988, the inability of the broken Soviet system to contain it, the descent into war, the protracted ceasefire that followed, the multiple geopolitical interests in play and a catastrophic new war in 2020 – as reported in the pages of Pravda, Izvestia, Nezavisimaya gazeta and other papers by Soviet and Russia-based journalists who knew the conflict intimately. This collection should gain a wide readership among all observers of this conflict and those interested in Russian war reporting in Eurasia.