Digitization & Hosting

  • Does your organization have unique collections of print maps or related materials that are currently underutilized and taking up valuable shelf space?

  • Do you have collections that would benefit from full-image displays and full-text or metadata searching?

  • Do you have materials that have already been digitized but still require processing or formatting in order to be effectively platformized and discoverable?

Whatever the current status of your collections, East View can help enhance access and discoverability for your resources.

A trusted partner to academic and corporate libraries since 1989, East View offers an unmatched array of digital conversion and hosting services for libraries seeking to convert materials currently in hard-to-use or deteriorating physical formats into digital resources accessible from any authenticated location 24/7.

When you work with East View to digitize your collections you are getting so much more than just scanning services. We can handle the entire digitization, conversion and hosting process, consulting with you every step of the way to make sure the end product is customized to suit the exact needs of your collection.

We offer a full range of services for digital conversion and hosting, including:

  • Digitization and OCR processing
  • Map and aerial photography georeferencing, cropping, and mosaicking
  • Format conversion
  • Data/feature extraction
  • Sourcing materials to complete collections
  • Custom metadata creation, MARC records
  • Rights diligence
  • Archival preservation
  • Platformization and hosting for long-term online access

A Proven Track Record

East View has worked with a variety of institutions on digital conversion/hosting projects. These include university libraries, academic consortiums, corporate libraries, and large organizations such as state archives, publishers and foundations. In all cases, original primary documents are treated with the utmost care to make sure that rare, fragile, or one-of-a-kind items are preserved intact wherever possible. See below for examples of East View’s work on various digital conversion projects.

Academic Library: Digitization and Platformization

Overview: Contracted with the John Miller Burnam Classics Library at the University of Cincinnati to create a digital version of the Library’s entire collection of paper maps and charts relating to Greece and the surrounding region.


  • Received over 650 print maps and charts; inventoried and organized into thematic groups
  • Digitized all print materials and conducted OCR (in Greek and in English) for select items with heavy textual elements
  • Mounted maps to East View’s Global Geography Library, a specially designed secure digital library platform to facilitate discovery via both browsing and search, including faceted search
  • Created item-level metadata, including permanent URLs
  • Created graphical index maps and geomosaics for all map series within the collection

Academic Library: Georeferencing, Cropping and Mosaicking

Overview: Contracted with University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) to georeference maps for the Historical National Topographic System (NTS): 1:50,000 Scale Maps, Data, & GIS, a new Open Access geospatial data collection of Canadian maps.


  • Georeferenced approximately 20,000 map sheets previously scanned by UTL
  • Verified UTL-provided metadata and applied to each map sheet once georeferenced
  • Continuing effort to crop and mosaic map sheets

Corporate Library: Digitization and Georeferencing

Overview: Contracted with a multinational geoscience technology services company to convert paper and mylar aeromagnetic maps from print to digital.


  • Received and inventoried roughly 1,200 paper maps for on-site scanning at 400 DPI
  • Georeferenced all maps
  • Created shapefile and XLS metadata records for each map
  • Converted select maps to vector format

Ready to Discuss Your Organization’s Digitization Needs?