The Largest Commercial Collection of Maps & Cartographic Products

Collecting for more than 25 Years

East View Geospatial has been collecting, cataloging, and distributing authoritative maps, charts and geospatial data from global sources in all categories such as topographic, 3D, DEM, GIS, vector, nautical, aeronautical, geological, scientific, and imagery for more than 25 years.  Our in-house cartographic production team builds products to exacting standards whether you planning an expedition or decorating an office.  East View Geospatial has the map, chart or data you’re looking for.

Looking to create your own map?

East View Geospatial offers a variety of custom mapping solutions.

Topographic Maps

We have partnered with authoritative National Mapping Agencies from around the world to bring you one of the largest selections of topographic maps; especially large-scale maps covering unique international territories.  Many series are rich in details such as contour lines, sociocultural features, transportation networks, landcover, symbols, and legends. Visit Global Explorer to discover what is available in print or download as vector and raster files. Global Coverage. All Scales.

Geoscientific Maps

Our Geoscientific maps are one of the most extensive collections found in any map library worldwide. Our ongoing field procurement across Africa, Europe, and Asia along with strong relationships with national mapping agencies deliver stunning productions with authentic explanatory notes and support mineral and energy exploration across the world.  Discover what is available through Global Explorer.

Nautical/Hydrographic Charts

We network with hydrographic agencies worldwide to procure and maintain the latest nautical charts utilizing bathymetric data, seafloor DEM modeling, hydrographic survey, training charts and other publications and are a certified print-on-demand partner for the world’s major hydrographic agencies such as NOAA. Visit Global Explorer to to find the most up-to-date publications and charts to navigate your waters.

Introducing EVMaritime Vector Data

EVG presents a new series of authoritative maritime datasets for non-navigational use utilizing vector-based Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs). Leveraging EVG’s expertise in data translation, the EVMaritime Vector Data products combine all ENC scales, without overlap, into one seamless mosaic, and are delivered as Esri file geodatabases with schema, symbology, font, labeling, domains, and aliases fully applied. Users will find it easy to identify specific features, including undersea cables, wrecks, offshore oil platforms, military and regulated areas, buoys, danger points, and more.

EVMaritime Vector Data is a rapidly expanding program with designs to cover all of the world’s major waters. In addition to the Ukraine vector data detailed below, coverage over Canada and the United States is also available now, and future expansion will include Asia, Oceania, and more. We welcome requests for specific areas of interest.

Featured Data: Ukraine
141 individual vector databases ranging in scale from 1:3,000 to 1:1,250,000. In addition, EVG has also assembled 11 collections covering specific waterbodies such as the Danube River and the Black and Azov seas based on scale, giving users access to cohesive data for specific areas of interest.

Download fact sheet | purchase individual databases | purchase collections

Note: EVMaritime Vector Data products are NOT for navigational use

Aeronautical Charts

Local. Regional. Global. We have centralized an unsurpassed collection the world’s aeronautical charts with the latest productions for the aviation industry.                    We currently own complete sets of NGA global aeronautical charts, as well as locally-produced aeronautical data from countries around the world to continually expand our collection. Visit Global Explorer to discover our aeronautical collection.

Thematic Mapping

Thematic maps tell stories and emphasize a specific subject area or theme connected to a specific geographical area. Our broad thematic map collection includes thousands of unique productions, from linguistic maps to demographic maps and many more.

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